Imaging subsurface structures using a fiber optic cable
Satoru Hamanaka, graduated this spring and Assoc. Prof. Kentaro Emoto investiga…
Satoru Hamanaka, graduated this spring and Assoc. Prof. Kentaro Emoto investiga…
The SSJ (Seismological Society of Japan) Fall Meeting 2022 was held in Sapporo,…
The VSJ (Volcanological Society of Japan) Fall Meeting 2022 was held in Mishima…
九州大学大学院理学研究院附属地震火山観測研究センターの相澤広記 准教授、松島健 教授、および東京大学地震研究所の村松弾 特任研究員、小山崇夫 助教、上嶋誠 教…