The VSJ (Volcanological Society of Japan) Fall Meeting 2022 was held in Mishima, Shizuoka, from 12 to 14 Oct. It had been online meeting last two years, but it consisted of both onsite and online this year. In addition, the online poster session was held from 17 to 18 Oct.
Presentations from SEVO
- Azusa Mori and Hiroyuki Kumagai
噴火微動と爆発地震から推定される噴出量と継続時間のスケーリング関係 - Yota Suzuki, Satoshi Matsumoto, Azusa Mori et al.
Characteristics of seismic activity in the western part of Kirishima volcano, Kyushu, Japan based on dense seismic observation - Koki Yoshinaga, Takeshi Matsushima, Hiroshi Shimizu et al.
Sub-surface magma movement inferred from continuous extensometers’ and tiltmeters’ records during the eruption of Kirishima Shinmoe-dake in 2018 - Haruto Tanabe, Takeshi Matsushima, Koki Aizawa et al.
Multi-parametric observation of intermittent hydrothermal discharge phenomenon observed at the west crater of Iwo-Yama volcano, Kirishima Volcanic Complex, Japan