Yota Suzuki

September 11, 2022
Yota Suzuki
Hometown: Ibaraki, Japan
Email: suzuki.yota.265 @ s.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Office:Ito W1-B617
Supervisor:Satoshi Matsumoto


We are determining the hypocenters and mechanisms of earthquakes that occur around Kirishima volcanoes, which are located on the border of Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures. Japan Meteorological Agency estimates that there is a pressure source at a depth of about 7 km in the western part of Kirishima volcanoes. We are interested in the relationship between the behavior of this source such as expansion and contraction and earthquake occurrence. As data, we use about 15 temporary stations which belong to Kyushu University and regular observational stations located in the vicinity. The analysis period is from March 2018 to March 2022. The purpose of this study is to clarify the correlation between earthquakes and volcanic activity in this region by obtaining detailed source distributions and mechanisms for events happened during the targeted term.


Favorite things: volcanoes, something related to Indonesia, English
Favorite food: natto( fermented soybeans ), tomato-based soup, soup full of ingredients
Hobbies: listening to music, watching videos on Youtube, playing games on smartphone apps